Sometimes my craft blog is not very personal. Yeah, you know I like polka dots and baby hats. You know I'm a procrastinator. You even know what my niece looks like. But do you know what I gorge on while watching episodes of The Simpsons and Monk?
Following in the footsteps of my friend and fellow blogger at
Elephant is Love, I decided to fill out an A-Z survey. Maybe you'll learn something you didn't know! And if you do A-Z on your blog, link to it in the comments so I can learn something about you, too.
A. Age: 29. Still deciding how I'm going to persuade friends to cancel holiday party plans so they'll join me for a 30th birthday celebration in December.
B. Birthplace: Kentucky
C. Chore you hate: Laundry. This would not be so bad if I didn't have to lug all my laundry up and down several flights of stairs and carry it two blocks away.
D. Dogs: I don't have a dog, but someday -- when I have a yard and a larger space -- I would like to. He'll probably be a Wheaten Terrier. Or maybe a Scottish Terrier. Or maybe he'll just be a nice little dog I pick up at a rescue. Who knows!
E. Essential start to your day: Face washing. I can't even look out the window without first washing my face.
F. Favorite Color: Purple or blue. I could just combine them and go with indigo.
G. Gorges on: Peanut butter. Anything peanut butter.
H. Hoards: Craft supplies, duh!
I. Instruments you play: Piano and (barely) fiddle
J. Job Title: Web Producer
K. Kicks: Pretty much flats every day, except in winter when I wear boots that I end up loathing by January.
L. Last read: Life by Keith Richards
M. Music all-time fave: the Beatles
N. Nicknames: Red (unacceptable if you're a man over the age of 12, unless you're my relative)
O. Office decor: We're discouraged from having a lot of personal items at our desk, but I have photos of my niece and nephew, a magazine cut-out photo of the Muppets, and random papers that were relevant months ago but aren't really now. I should probably take those down.
P. Phobias: Mice. I realize NYC is not the ideal place for me. Mice are #1 on my list of reasons to move. This is only one thing on a list of hundreds of things that I'm scared of. Clowns? Heights? Mascots? Yes, yes, and yes.
Q. Quote of the day: "I went all Kentucky on you and didn't give an area code with the phone number." -- said to my coworker today.
R. Random fact: I'm the only redhead in my family. Yeah, figure that one out. But don't tell me when you do. I prefer to live in the dark.
S. Siblings: One younger brother
T. Things that tick me off: Laziness and people who complain a lot. Just shut up and get on with it!
U. Underwear: Usually cotton, and it's gotta be comfy. Nothing digging around down there.
V. Vegetables you hate: Peas
W. Word of the day: perspicacious. It's fun to try and say it. Go ahead. Try.
X. Xylophone concerts given: 3, all under the age of 5.
Y. Yummy food that you make: I've been told my biscuits and gravy are not too shabby, but I must credit my mom for that. I also make a really nice creamy peanut butter pie. Mmmm. Pie.
Z. Zoo animals: Most animals scare me. I like the penguins because they're behind glass and pretty fun to watch. I doubt they'd eat me if given the chance. Monkeys on the other hand? They'd totally eat me.